The Eszterházy Károly College (Eger, Hungary), in collaboration with the Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Hungary), invites MSc and PhD students and postdoc researchers interested in the study of powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphales) to an exciting summer school covering all the major aspects of powdery mildew research. The official language of the course is English. For more information regarding the venue and accommodation please check the files on the top of the webpage.

The programme includes:

  • lectures on the morphology, phylogeny, genomics, host range, invasive patterns, host-pathogen interactions, epidemiology and control of powdery mildews;
  • practical training in the classical and molecular identification of powdery mildews, quantification of infection levels, ascospore viability tests, physiological studies of infected plants, and fungicide resistance tests; the training activities will consist of hands-on experiments using light microscopy, including fluorescence techniques, DNA extractions from fresh and herbarium samples, PCR and qPCR methods, a field trip to experimental vineyards in the Eger and the Tokaj wine producing regions, and so on;
  • discussion seminars on a number of recent and important papers; these will be presented by those participants who volunteer in advance to present one or two works from the list of papers to be discussed in Eger.

The summer school is supported by TÁMOP 4.1.1.C/12/1/KONV-2012-0014 (http://www.ektf.hu/ret/tamop411/). Therefore, there is no registration fee and the accommodation fee and some meals are also covered by this fund. MSc and PhD students and postdocs interested in attending this course are requested to apply by completing the application form and sending it to Kálmán Zoltán Váczy (vaczy.kalman@ektf.hu) by 16 June 2014 together with a proof of their current student or postdoc status.

The Scientific Committee will select those applicants, up to 25, who are invited to attend the summer school. Priority will be given to those whose MSc or PhD thesis or postdoc work is related to powdery mildew research or a closely related topic. All applicants will receive an email notification concerning the outcome of their applications by 20 June 2014.